社会科学报:Training of Higher-Order-Thinking Skills for ASEAN Educators Held in Shanghai


来源:社会科学报 2022年10月26日

标题:Training of Higher-Order-Thinking Skills for ASEAN Educators Held in Shanghai

The Training of Higher-Order-Thinking Skills for ASEAN Educators, jointly  organized by the UNESCO Teacher Education Center and the ASEAN-China Center, was  held at the UNESCO Teacher Education Center on October 12. The training aims to  share the experience and practice of higher-order thinking training in Shanghai  primary and middle schools, and make administrators, front-line teachers and  educational researchers of basic education schools in ASEAN countries to have a  deeper understanding of higher-order thinking and the methods of developing  students' higher-order thinking skills.

According to Zhang Minxuan, director of the UNESCO Teacher Education Center,  educators should not only have the consciousness to develop students'  higher-order thinking, but also take actions to achieve it. In the future, they  are willing to join hands with ASEAN to carry out multilateral activities and  make more contributions to education. Professor Li Zhengtao, director of the  Institute of Basic Education Reform and Development of East China Normal  University, introduced the higher-order thinking in terms of China's new  curricula, and elaborated on how China drew on foreign experience to develop its  own education model in the new curriculum reform.
